
I glued two devil horns onto my car. Now they have a visitor—a ladybug, gripping the repulsive red foam with just enough indifference that it may as well be a mirror. Red joined by specks of black. $12 adhesive. They could fall off at any time. So could she. Then who will keep me company?

Tick. Tick. Tick. My gas bill rises as she as she reaches the tip. She hesitates, as if to acknowledge me, each step more deliberate, no matter how small. Is the red a reason to run or explore? Is the black empty or temping her for more?The horns stir her little wings enough to catch my attention, but not enough for lift off.

$56 later. My gas clip shudders to a close. She has not yet made up her mind. Will she leave the horns behind or come along for the ride? The choice is not hers to make. She took just enough adhesive to steal what was once mine. The dark will leave just like her—in due time.